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  1. Becky H.
    Aug 15 2014 @ 11:18 pm

    This is SUCH a great post! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this topic! You’ve for sure blessed me with some good, heaven sent wisdom. Thank you.


  2. Lyndsi
    Aug 16 2014 @ 5:42 am

    I’m in the middle of this battle you talked about in the beginning, and have been thinking about it a lot lately. We have two littles and most of the time I hit my pillow completely exhausted and don’t want to do anything but pull the blankets tightly up around my mommy body and sleep. Just within the


  3. Lyndsi
    Aug 16 2014 @ 5:45 am

    Past few weeks I’ve felt Jesus working in me on this whole thing. Surely He is using you to continue that work. Thank you for these words and for allowing Jesus to use you to speak truth into my life.


  4. jessie horney
    Aug 16 2014 @ 2:46 pm

    wow. thank you for being vulnerable enough to share this! I have an almost 2-year old and a 7 month old and sex is HARD sometimes. To consider it an act of hospitality is a beautiful (and fresh) picture.

    But i have to say, the sentence that most resonated for me was, “We didn’t want our season to become our pattern.” God spoke that right into my heart, on so many more levels than just sex. About EVERYTHING right now. I really needed to hear that- thank you 🙂


  5. Rhea
    Aug 17 2014 @ 1:07 pm

    Thank you so much for sharing such an intimate conversation with all of us strangers. It is so beautifully written and with such heart and sincerity. This is a topic that is so close to all of us, and I want to thank you for such a godly view and vulnerability. I love your heart.


  6. Sean
    Aug 18 2014 @ 2:31 pm

    Lori – LOVE IT! You totally speak truth here. Love doing life with you guys and love reading your writing. No reason to hide anything…I love the honesty!


  7. Joanna
    Dec 2 2014 @ 11:03 pm

    ❤❤❤This!!! Thanks for sharing- I would have loved to know this in our first years of marriage! I’m thankful after 23 years we have come to a similar place! May The Lord bless what you have shared- it is so vital to a good sanctifying marriage!


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