The Green Moment {that has me all thinking}
I’ve been making these green smoothies nearly every morning for a few months now. I seriously think they’re changing our lives. Sounds dramatic, I know. But for real – they’re beautiful, delicious and we all seem to notice physical benefits. When I watch my children guzzle the cup full of spinach I feel like a stellar mom. I mean, forget about those frozen cokes I let them have yesterday. And the chocolate chip cookies I threw in the oven when our friends came over. And those Cheetos I bought to go with sandwiches the other day? Let’s forget that ever happened! And when I’m all grumpy and particular and not so fun to be around, I like to remember that little green moment in our morning and celebrate at least one good choice I’m making!
But here’s the thing. It doesn’t matter how much kefir and spinach and pineapple I put in my Vitamix – I can only ever make enough to feed 6 people. I have tried many times to increase the ingredients, even adding more half way through the blend. But try as I may, I only have enough to fill 6 cups. It’s mind boggling. The larger mason jar of green goodness gets walked out to Mark, who’s fencing or mowing or building or feeding out back. The remaining 5 are {almost} cheerfully and quickly drank with eggs and toast. And that makes me happy.
The problem is, I really like these smoothies, and I want to join in on the green moment. Sometimes it doesn’t bother me. I’m sipping my iced coffee and that’s enough for me in the morning. But many times I just want there to be enough for me too. And when I pour the last drop into the 6th cup, I don’t want to take the time to make more…just for me.
Today was one of those mornings where I was left without. And it has me all thinking about how most of the time when there aren’t enough resources for me, I’m content. Usually I’m happy to give up my agenda or time or last bite {or my entire identity!} to the little people in my life. But sometimes, just sometimes, I resent the way in which I pour into their cups and I’m left without. Sometimes I really want there to be enough for me too. Enough time. Enough food. Enough wisdom. Enough encouragement. Enough help. Enough prayers. Enough green smoothie.
Do you ever feel that way?
Our empty cups keep us looking to the One who fills them. In Jesus, there is always enough. He multiples our baskets and quenches our thirst with an everlasting satisfaction. Do you believe it? I do. And man, has He filled me! With more abundance than I ever dreamed for my life.
Trust him with your empty cup today and eagerly await the ways he will fill it.
Today I made more! Just for me.
Jul 22 2013 @ 5:42 pm
We love green smoothies…and the thing is, it is all in the pineapple. Ours never taste like we’re downing spinach salad even though we are. Just good.
Jul 23 2013 @ 1:40 pm
Thanks for making some for you! I’m trying to do the same.
Jul 25 2013 @ 8:52 am
HI Lori-
I need the recipe!
But more importantly, I am the mom of three children. One biological son (age 24) and two beautiful adopted Ugandan siblings-Edith age 6 and Derrick age 4. Motherhood again at 48 has been life changing in a lot of ways. I want you to know how much i enjoyed your letter to your black son. I printed it off to use for him and myself. Unfortunately, even at 6 and 4 both kids have witnessed or been affected by this type of ignorance. I appreciated your candidness and I am sure I will quote you often. May God Bless you and please keep writing.