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  1. Kate
    Jan 27 2013 @ 11:08 pm

    Short. Sweet. And to the point. Loved it Lori. Praise God, he can do things with this woman. I am not tied down to any mistake or characteristic of the past! Love you, Lori! Thanks for sharing.


  2. Courtney
    Jan 28 2013 @ 10:51 pm

    Website looks great! Of course it would you have such a great eye.


  3. Nicole
    Jan 29 2013 @ 9:58 am

    Oh Lori, I am guilty of all of these and more. Probably my worst *continual* offense is not alloting myself enough time to get everyone packed into the truck when we have to be somewhere at a specific time. I try to squeeze in one last task before we go and then I wind up snapping uncontrollably at everyone because it’s taking them so long to get out the door. I KNOW how long it takes them to get out the door each time, so why do I cut it so close??? Then I spend the driving time apologizing to each of my kids for behaving so poorly, ugh.


  4. Daniel Tomlinson
    Jan 29 2013 @ 10:10 am

    Okay, I’m just going to be Melodramatic Daniel. That was AWESOME and NEEDED! I especially like Nicole’s reply because I’ve so been there and done that. This blog ministers to me again and again Lori. Grace and peace.


  5. Jen
    Feb 2 2013 @ 9:27 pm

    Thank you– I, too, am guilty of these offenses often. Your blog frequently points out things I already know in my heart, but they need to be pointed out a bit more obviously.


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