How [not] to be a Grace Giver
When your daughter trips on a toy and spills coffee all over your table and rug, don’t jump up to grab paper towel and leave the little offender crying on the couch in front of a room full of people.
When your four year old is acting sassy to you, don’t turn around and do the same thing back at her.
When your husband makes a confession, don’t let the stress and busy of the holidays keep you mad and pouty instead of forgiving and engaging.
When someone eats an ingredient you need for a recipe that night, don’t stop your foot and scream that everyone in the house is working against you.
When you sign up to be someone’s family, don’t complain when it’s hard.
When your son is tired and losing control, don’t stand over him all powerful with angry eyebrows and tell him he better get to bed or else….
When your child is ill and driving everyone crazy with her whiny high maintenance recovery, don’t tell her to go upstairs and don’t come down until she’s healed.
When Jesus says forgive seventy times seven, don’t live that out for some people and not others.
When your son creatively designs and builds a rabbit snare, don’t tell him he probably won’t catch one.
Thankful there’s grace for me when I don’t give it to others. As I welcome these new days of a new year, I breathe in the promise that God is able to make me new. That I don’t have to be the same wife and mother I was in 2011. That my mistakes last year don’t define who I will be this year. I am one small part of God’s magnificent creation that he is making new every day.
Be thankful for all things. Count your blessings and notice God’s grace around you. And in your gratitude, be a grace giver that you might participate in the way God gives grace to others.
pushing through
lingering holiday sweetness
seven upstairs sleeping
labor of love
open windows
a mother who shows up at my back door in Bogs
sharing all things with a friend, even sickness
My boys crawled up with the bible in the morning
Your Great Name sung loud by three families offering worship
Boys and their dangerous activities
Anticipating time away
Confessions of a humble heart
The rhythm of a day