Cross Shaped Words
[bl]W[/bl]e entered into the quiet yesterday after a long weekend of noise. I’m sure my children weren’t any noisier than normal, but Mark was out of town and somehow everything is magnified when he’s away. The days are longer, the screams seem louder, and the arguing is more often. And I’m pretty sure my ability to tolerate is reduced. I was louder too.
So at the end of the weekend, stepping into the quiet together is something we all longed for. We chose to sit on one bed today. Quite risky at 10pm. Sleep was bound to be victorious in someone. Tessa wiggled, Lydia Jane snuggled, Connor focused, Luke closed his eyes, mama prayed, and sweet Myles repeated my meager words. I decided to speak tonight. To begin the silence with words that directed our thoughts, turned us toward the cross. In light of recent sibling squabbles I tell these dear children who love one another that the cross is what makes the words I’m sorry and I forgive you possible.
Reconciliation is only possible through the life giving death on the cross.
Most often, it’s a wooden bridge that allows one to cross over to another. But between man and God, it’s a cross.
I told the children to picture the words I’m sorry written vertical and I forgive you horizontal, forming a cross of truthful words. Life giving words. Words of grace that heal and move people forward.
And then we were silent.
At the close, Luke said he drifted into a light sleep. Didn’t surprise me after a weekend of grandparents, cousins and birthdays. But he said he was awake enough to have pictures in his head. He called it a dream.
In this vision he saw a cross with the words carved down and across just as I had asked them to picture. And Jesus was upon the cross with a crowd witnessing his death. Luke said the dream shifted and it was Easter. And etched on the rock that enclosed the grave of Jesus were the same words, in the same way. I’m sorry. I forgive you. The dream shifts one more time. And it’s the day Jesus leaves the earth and ascends to Heaven to be with his Father. Before leaving the people, Luke said Jesus held out his hands and in them were words. I’m sorry. I forgive you. Jesus gives these words to the people.
And that was it! Luke said.
I love the vision of Jesus literally giving gifts of words to the people. Here, I leave these with you. Use them. Speak them. To reconcile, heal and restore. May these words be truth that you live by. Truth that sets you apart from the rest of the world.
To be an environment of grace, these words must be upon your lips, ready to give as a gift to another. When Jesus said to take up your cross and follow me, he asked those who believe in him to live differently. To resist human instinct to attack and defend. And to be a people that don’t break relationship, rather seek reconciliation through crossed shaped words and behavior.
#84 Luke’s vision and how children continue to teach us
#85 A mom’s home to run to
#86 The first run in a long time
#87 Snowy weather that keeps me anticipating Spring
#88 A father who babysits
#89 A friend who lets me see the messy places of her home, her heart
#90 Little girls who play beauty parlor in my bathroom
#91 A clean home
#92 Provisions that come sooner than expected