when you don’t know what to pray
Speak these words: May you be made known
Then listen. Watch. Be available to whatever God reveals about him, about you, about whoever or whatever you’re praying for.
This is the true spirit of prayer. Seeking God, and praying for him to be made known in all people, in all things.
Prayer is not for speaking something into existence. It’s not for hoping things go your way. It’s not for spiritual language that makes you feel like you’ve done something.
When we pray, we are communicating with our Creator in the love language of our souls. It doesn’t have to be clear. It doesn’t have to be long. It can’t always be short. It will sometimes produce peace, and sometimes create a stirring.
You don’t have to find the right words. You don’t even have to know what to pray for. You simply need to be available to God. And to persistently express your desire for him to be made known.
In the story that’s not yet finished.
In the child who struggles with anger.
In the friend who has a decision to make.
In the young lady who is to be a mother.
In the timing of a situation.
In the rejoicing of a victory.
In the new job that you don’t like.
In the marriage that is struggling.
In the desires of your heart.
In the dream that shattered.
In the emotions that tempt to crumble you.
In the day that isn’t going as planned.
In the sin that holds you captive.
In the deliverance worthy of praise.
This simple prayer of God being made known can be spoken into any situation {big or little}, into any person. And it’s the deepest longing of our hearts. To know the Creator who made us.
Feb 4 2013 @ 3:41 pm
much-needed reminder. challenged. thanks.
Feb 5 2013 @ 9:05 am
Loved this, Lori. This has been my go-to prayer for years.