Live in the Story
The Christmas story is like no other.
A broken World. A created people separated from their God through sin.
The prophets recalling and anticipating divine acts. God, unfolding his story.
A covenant with Abram. God’s promise of love and grace to all he created.
Set apart and holy Israel, unfaithful to their calling. People in need of a Savior.
A miraculous conception. A Creator like no other.
A baby in a manger. God born in humility.
Mary and Joseph welcoming their son. Mankind receiving their Messiah.
A stable to labor and deliver. Environments of grace are where God births life.
King Herod seeking the life of this child. The world rejecting God.
A star in the east. The Light who leads those who follow to life.
Magi who didn’t report to the King. Faithful followers who seek Jesus, not earthly rulers.
Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. Human offerings of praise and welcome.
God in the flesh. A redemptive reality witnessed by the world.
In the giving and receiving of hospitality during these Christmas days, may you live strong in this story, and may it live strong in you.
Merry Christmas — from our family to yours!