Our Theme for the School Year
I could get specific about how we desire an environment of creation over education, how we seek inward transformation before learning outcomes, and how we appreciate assessment through participation rather than examination. Or I could confess how I would be a TERRIBLE school mom who would always drop my children off late, never sign permission slips, and rarely check or enforce homework assignments. But the bottom line is, we homeschool because we love the time it gives us with our children. SO much time….sometimes too much time…like this might be the end of me time….but mostly irreplaceable, precious time in a phase of life when I want to soak up every minute. I mean come on…after all the cooking and cleaning and shopping and disciplining and praying I do for these kids…I should at least be the one who gets to be with them for the best part of their day!
But just like everyone else, we’re stocking up on school supplies and next season’s clothing. If you see a crazy woman in Salvation Army, head down, flipping through every darn shirt, determined to piece together 5 Fall wardrobes for about $150 – that’s me. I have a deep appreciation for those who can afford to shop at Gap and Aeropostale, then donate it when done. It seriously blesses me!
And like you, we’re grieving the end of summer but looking forward to a new rhythm and a little consistency to our days. The only constants right now are late nights, lazy mornings, dirty feet and corn on the cob.
And just like your children, my kids are wondering what kind of teacher they will have this year. The really nice one who has an extraordinary amount of grace for complaining and messes, and cuddles up on the couch to read books and savor moments? Or that really moody one who rolls her eyes, speaks with sarcasm and occasionally slaps her students with her flip flops? My guess is both.
While anticipating our school year, I discerned a theme. A truth to guide our hearts as we learn and grow together. A hope that speaks into who we are and what we do. Our worshipful focus this year will be More Like Jesus – discovering, together, how we can be individuals and a family that reflects who Jesus is in the way we live and relate. ‘Cause let’s be honest…Jesus most definitely never slapped people with his sandals.
I plan to begin most mornings with Hillsong’s To Be Like You. We will worship with these lyrics and dwell in the word of God in hopes that it will dwell in us. A kind of first fruit of prayer and meditation to our days. Let it be so. We will read and recite scriptures and stories about who Jesus is and how we can be more like him. We will especially allow Galatians 2:20 to sink deep into our spirits.
I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
You see, I want my children to know algebra, but what I really want is for them to be more like Jesus in the way they evaluate, make judgments, and problem solve.
And I hope my children love to hear about historical people and events, but what I really hope is for them to be more like Jesus in the way they live and tell our story.
And sure, I {kind of, sort of} want my children to learn how to diagram sentences and the skill {and joy} of writing, but what I desire more than these is for them to be more like Jesus in the way they communicate with others.
And I want my children to enjoy the study and experiments of science and earth, but what I hope the most is that we always wonder together how we can be more like Jesus in the way we understand and participate in creation.
Oh that we will get to the heart of our children! All of us. In the way they spend their time. In the way they use their words. In the way they view themselves and others. In the way they work through conflict. In the way they create and contribute. Regardless of where, or how, we’re educating our children, may we be pouring into them with our most valuable resources of time and love. For these are what will shape their spirits and turn them to the Father. Not busy schedules. Not popular access to technology. Not the latest trends in clothing. You know the list…
…but sometimes we just need reminding. ‘Cause if you’re anything like me, you feel pressure to make it all work for your kids, and your heart rate quickens at the thought of school supply lists and Fall activities. Take a deep breath and remember that these seem pressing and urgent, but they are fleeting responsibilities. May God remind us of the things that burden him, of the things eternal. May he embolden us to pluck from our schedules anything that hinders our children from living more fully into their forever purpose. And in all that our children face this coming school year, may he shape each of them to be a little more like him.
There’s a really really good chance the sweet moments of meditation and prayer will be haphazard and inconsistent…and by November I’ll probably be chanting a new theme like Come, Sweet Jesus, Come Save Us Now!
We hope your last days of summer are sweet and full of peaches and corn like ours. It’s the only way to leave August if you ask me.
Aug 20 2013 @ 10:34 am
Beautiful. Yes, this is my dream too! 🙂
Aug 21 2013 @ 8:58 pm
Ill be praying for your year!
On the Fifth Morning
Sep 18 2013 @ 7:58 pm
[…] most significant change we made was beginning each day with a time of worship. In our seeking to be more like Jesus, we {or I} decided to offer to God a portion of our day to be wholly his. No rushing, no working, […]